[0] => Array
[file] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/cabecalho.php
[line] => 58
[function] => alteraConexaoCliente
[class] => tm_entidade
[object] => tm_entidade Object
[_post] =>
[Msg] =>
[db] => tmdmissqn Object
[dbcliente] => Database Object
[_connection] =>
[_debug:protected] => 0
[_drivername:protected] => firebird
[_databasename:protected] =>
[_host:protected] =>
[_username:protected] => SYSDBA
[_userpassword:protected] => masterkey
[_connected:protected] => 0
[_dictionary:protected] =>
[_dictionaryproperties:protected] =>
[_charset:protected] =>
[_datasets:protected] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_fstreamedconnected:protected] => 0
[_clients:protected] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_onafterconnect:protected] =>
[_onbeforeconnect:protected] =>
[_oncustomconnect:protected] =>
[_onafterdisconnect:protected] =>
[_onbeforedisconnect:protected] =>
[_onlogin:protected] =>
[owner] => tmdmissqn Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => dbcliente
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[segurancamemory] => Database Object
[_connection] => ADODB_firebird Object
[databaseType] => firebird
[dialect] => 3
[dataProvider] => ibase
[replaceQuote] => ''
[ibase_datefmt] => %Y-%m-%d
[fmtDate] => 'Y-m-d'
[ibase_timestampfmt] => %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
[ibase_timefmt] => %H:%M:%S
[fmtTimeStamp] => 'Y-m-d, H:i:s'
[concat_operator] => ||
[_transactionID] =>
[metaTablesSQL] => select rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name not like 'RDB$%'
[metaColumnsSQL] => select a.rdb$field_name, a.rdb$null_flag, a.rdb$default_source, b.rdb$field_length, b.rdb$field_scale, b.rdb$field_sub_type, b.rdb$field_precision, b.rdb$field_type from rdb$relation_fields a, rdb$fields b where a.rdb$field_source = b.rdb$field_name and a.rdb$relation_name = '%s' order by a.rdb$field_position asc
[ibasetrans] => 0
[hasGenID] => 1
[_bindInputArray] => 1
[buffers] => 0
[sysDate] => cast('TODAY' as timestamp)
[ansiOuter] => 1
[hasAffectedRows] =>
[poorAffectedRows] => 1
[blobEncodeType] => C
[role] =>
[database] =>
[host] =>
[user] => SYSDBA
[password] => masterkey
[debug] => 0
[maxblobsize] => 262144
[substr] => substr
[length] => length
[random] => rand()
[upperCase] => upper
[true] => 1
[false] => 0
[nameQuote] => "
[charSet] =>
[metaDatabasesSQL] =>
[uniqueOrderBy] =>
[emptyDate] =>
[emptyTimeStamp] =>
[lastInsID] =>
[hasInsertID] =>
[hasTop] =>
[hasLimit] =>
[readOnly] =>
[hasMoveFirst] =>
[hasTransactions] => 1
[genID] => 0
[raiseErrorFn] => adodb_throw
[isoDates] =>
[cacheSecs] => 3600
[memCache] =>
[memCacheHost] =>
[memCachePort] => 11211
[memCacheCompress] =>
[arrayClass] => ADORecordSet_array
[noNullStrings] =>
[numCacheHits] => 0
[numCacheMisses] => 0
[pageExecuteCountRows] => 1
[uniqueSort] =>
[leftOuter] =>
[rightOuter] =>
[autoRollback] =>
[fnExecute] =>
[fnCacheExecute] =>
[rsPrefix] => ADORecordSet_
[autoCommit] => 1
[transOff] => 0
[transCnt] => 0
[fetchMode] =>
[null2null] => null
[_oldRaiseFn] =>
[_transOK] =>
[_connectionID] => Resource id #65
[_errorMsg] =>
[_errorCode] =>
[_queryID] => Resource id #121
[_isPersistentConnection] =>
[_evalAll] =>
[_affected] =>
[_logsql] =>
[_transmode] =>
[_debug:protected] => 0
[_drivername:protected] => firebird
[_databasename:protected] =>
[_host:protected] =>
[_username:protected] => SYSDBA
[_userpassword:protected] => masterkey
[_connected:protected] => 0
[_dictionary:protected] =>
[_dictionaryproperties:protected] =>
[_charset:protected] =>
[_datasets:protected] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_fstreamedconnected:protected] => 1
[_clients:protected] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_onafterconnect:protected] =>
[_onbeforeconnect:protected] =>
[_oncustomconnect:protected] =>
[_onafterdisconnect:protected] =>
[_onbeforedisconnect:protected] =>
[_onlogin:protected] =>
[owner] => tmdmissqn Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => segurancamemory
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[seguranca] => Database Object
[_connection] => ADODB_firebird Object
[databaseType] => firebird
[dialect] => 3
[dataProvider] => ibase
[replaceQuote] => ''
[ibase_datefmt] => %Y-%m-%d
[fmtDate] => 'Y-m-d'
[ibase_timestampfmt] => %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
[ibase_timefmt] => %H:%M:%S
[fmtTimeStamp] => 'Y-m-d, H:i:s'
[concat_operator] => ||
[_transactionID] =>
[metaTablesSQL] => select rdb$relation_name from rdb$relations where rdb$relation_name not like 'RDB$%'
[metaColumnsSQL] => select a.rdb$field_name, a.rdb$null_flag, a.rdb$default_source, b.rdb$field_length, b.rdb$field_scale, b.rdb$field_sub_type, b.rdb$field_precision, b.rdb$field_type from rdb$relation_fields a, rdb$fields b where a.rdb$field_source = b.rdb$field_name and a.rdb$relation_name = '%s' order by a.rdb$field_position asc
[ibasetrans] => 0
[hasGenID] => 1
[_bindInputArray] => 1
[buffers] => 0
[sysDate] => cast('TODAY' as timestamp)
[ansiOuter] => 1
[hasAffectedRows] =>
[poorAffectedRows] => 1
[blobEncodeType] => C
[role] =>
[database] =>
[host] =>
[user] => SYSDBA
[password] => masterkey
[debug] => 0
[maxblobsize] => 262144
[substr] => substr
[length] => length
[random] => rand()
[upperCase] => upper
[true] => 1
[false] => 0
[nameQuote] => "
[charSet] =>
[metaDatabasesSQL] =>
[uniqueOrderBy] =>
[emptyDate] =>
[emptyTimeStamp] =>
[lastInsID] =>
[hasInsertID] =>
[hasTop] =>
[hasLimit] =>
[readOnly] =>
[hasMoveFirst] =>
[hasTransactions] => 1
[genID] => 0
[raiseErrorFn] => adodb_throw
[isoDates] =>
[cacheSecs] => 3600
[memCache] =>
[memCacheHost] =>
[memCachePort] => 11211
[memCacheCompress] =>
[arrayClass] => ADORecordSet_array
[noNullStrings] =>
[numCacheHits] => 0
[numCacheMisses] => 0
[pageExecuteCountRows] => 1
[uniqueSort] =>
[leftOuter] =>
[rightOuter] =>
[autoRollback] =>
[fnExecute] =>
[fnCacheExecute] =>
[rsPrefix] => ADORecordSet_
[autoCommit] => 1
[transOff] => 0
[transCnt] => 0
[fetchMode] =>
[null2null] => null
[_oldRaiseFn] =>
[_transOK] =>
[_connectionID] =>
[_errorMsg] => I/O error for file "/home/dados/banco/salinas/prefeitura/seguranca.fdb" Error while trying to open file No such file or directory
[_errorCode] =>
[_queryID] =>
[_isPersistentConnection] =>
[_evalAll] =>
[_affected] =>
[_logsql] =>
[_transmode] =>
[_debug:protected] => 0
[_drivername:protected] => firebird
[_databasename:protected] =>
[_host:protected] =>
[_username:protected] => SYSDBA
[_userpassword:protected] => masterkey
[_connected:protected] => 0
[_dictionary:protected] =>
[_dictionaryproperties:protected] =>
[_charset:protected] =>
[_datasets:protected] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_fstreamedconnected:protected] => 0
[_clients:protected] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_onafterconnect:protected] =>
[_onbeforeconnect:protected] =>
[_oncustomconnect:protected] =>
[_onafterdisconnect:protected] =>
[_onbeforedisconnect:protected] =>
[_onlogin:protected] =>
[owner] => tmdmissqn Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => seguranca
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_layout:protected] => Layout Object
[_control] => tmdmissqn Object
[_type:private] => ABS_XY_LAYOUT
[_rows:protected] => 5
[_cols:protected] => 5
[_usepixeltrans:protected] => 1
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] =>
[_parent:protected] =>
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
[_controlstyle:protected] => Array
[csAcceptsControls] => 1
[_left:protected] => 0
[_visible:protected] => 1
[_top:protected] => 0
[_width:protected] => 597
[_height:protected] => 370
[_color:protected] =>
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
[_designcolor:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => alNone
[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
[_onaftershow:protected] =>
[_onshow:protected] =>
[_cursor:protected] =>
[_showhint:protected] => 0
[_parentshowhint:protected] => 1
[_font:protected] => Font Object
[_family:protected] => Verdana
[_size:protected] => 10px
[_color:protected] =>
[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => tmdmissqn Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_islayer:protected] => 0
[_parentfont:protected] => 1
[_doparentreset:private] => 1
[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseleave:protected] =>
[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseout:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
[_jsonpropertychange:protected] =>
[_jsonreadystatechange:protected] =>
[_jsonresize:protected] =>
[_jsonresizeend:protected] =>
[_jsonresizestart:protected] =>
[_jsonselectstart:protected] =>
[_style:protected] =>
[_adjusttolayout:protected] => 0
[_autosize:protected] => 0
[_divwrap:protected] => 1
[_attributes:protected] => Array
[_hidden:protected] => 0
[_layer:protected] => 0
[owner] => Application Object
[_language:protected] =>
[owner] =>
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[0] => tmdmissqn Object
[1] => FRM_Login Object
[EDT_usuario] => Edit Object
[_onclick:protected] =>
[_ondblclick:protected] =>
[_onsubmit:protected] =>
[_jsonselect:protected] =>
[_borderstyle:protected] => bsSingle
[_datasource:protected] =>
[_datafield:protected] =>
[_charcase:protected] => ecNormal
[_ispassword:protected] => 0
[_maxlength:protected] => 0
[_taborder:protected] => 0
[_tabstop:protected] => 1
[_text:protected] =>
[_readonly:protected] => 0
[_filterinput:protected] => 1
[_layout:protected] => Layout Object
[_control] => Edit Object
[_type:private] => ABS_XY_LAYOUT
[_rows:protected] => 5
[_cols:protected] => 5
[_usepixeltrans:protected] => 1
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] =>
[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
[_controlstyle:protected] => Array
[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
[_left:protected] => 134
[_visible:protected] => 1
[_top:protected] => 147
[_width:protected] => 235
[_height:protected] => 16
[_color:protected] =>
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
[_designcolor:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => alNone
[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
[_onaftershow:protected] =>
[_onshow:protected] =>
[_cursor:protected] =>
[_showhint:protected] => 0
[_parentshowhint:protected] => 1
[_font:protected] => Font Object
[_family:protected] => Verdana
[_size:protected] => 10px
[_color:protected] =>
[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => Edit Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_islayer:protected] => 0
[_parentfont:protected] => 1
[_doparentreset:private] => 1
[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] => EDT_usuarioJSKeyUp
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseleave:protected] =>
[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseout:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
[_jsonpropertychange:protected] =>
[_jsonreadystatechange:protected] =>
[_jsonresize:protected] =>
[_jsonresizeend:protected] =>
[_jsonresizestart:protected] =>
[_jsonselectstart:protected] =>
[_style:protected] => small
[_adjusttolayout:protected] => 0
[_autosize:protected] => 0
[_divwrap:protected] => 1
[_attributes:protected] => Array
[_hidden:protected] => 0
[_layer:protected] => 0
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => EDT_usuario
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[EDT_processo] => Edit Object
[_onclick:protected] =>
[_ondblclick:protected] =>
[_onsubmit:protected] =>
[_jsonselect:protected] =>
[_borderstyle:protected] => bsSingle
[_datasource:protected] =>
[_datafield:protected] =>
[_charcase:protected] => ecNormal
[_ispassword:protected] => 0
[_maxlength:protected] => 0
[_taborder:protected] => 0
[_tabstop:protected] => 1
[_text:protected] =>
[_readonly:protected] => 0
[_filterinput:protected] => 1
[_layout:protected] => Layout Object
[_control] => Edit Object
[_type:private] => ABS_XY_LAYOUT
[_rows:protected] => 5
[_cols:protected] => 5
[_usepixeltrans:protected] => 1
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] =>
[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
[_controlstyle:protected] => Array
[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
[_left:protected] => 134
[_visible:protected] => 1
[_top:protected] => 198
[_width:protected] => 235
[_height:protected] => 16
[_color:protected] =>
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
[_designcolor:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => alNone
[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
[_onaftershow:protected] =>
[_onshow:protected] =>
[_cursor:protected] =>
[_showhint:protected] => 0
[_parentshowhint:protected] => 1
[_font:protected] => Font Object
[_family:protected] => Verdana
[_size:protected] => 10px
[_color:protected] =>
[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => Edit Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_islayer:protected] => 0
[_parentfont:protected] => 1
[_doparentreset:private] => 1
[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] => EDT_processoJSFocus
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseleave:protected] =>
[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseout:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
[_jsonpropertychange:protected] =>
[_jsonreadystatechange:protected] =>
[_jsonresize:protected] =>
[_jsonresizeend:protected] =>
[_jsonresizestart:protected] =>
[_jsonselectstart:protected] =>
[_style:protected] => small
[_adjusttolayout:protected] => 0
[_autosize:protected] => 0
[_divwrap:protected] => 1
[_attributes:protected] => Array
[_hidden:protected] => 0
[_layer:protected] => 0
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => EDT_processo
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[MessageMemory1] => MessageMemory Object
[_largura:protected] => 950px
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => MessageMemory1
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[BTN_enviar] => Button Object
[_buttontype:protected] => btNormal
[_default:protected] => 0
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[_action:protected] =>
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[_onsubmit:protected] =>
[_jsonselect:protected] =>
[_checked:protected] => 0
[_datasource:protected] =>
[_datafield:protected] =>
[_taborder:protected] => 0
[_tabstop:protected] => 1
[_datafieldproperty:protected] => Caption
[_layout:protected] => Layout Object
[_control] => Button Object
[_type:private] => ABS_XY_LAYOUT
[_rows:protected] => 5
[_cols:protected] => 5
[_usepixeltrans:protected] => 1
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] => Enviar
[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
[_controlstyle:protected] => Array
[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
[_left:protected] => 134
[_visible:protected] => 1
[_top:protected] => 265
[_width:protected] => 75
[_height:protected] => 25
[_color:protected] =>
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
[_designcolor:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => alNone
[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
[_onaftershow:protected] =>
[_onshow:protected] =>
[_cursor:protected] =>
[_showhint:protected] => 0
[_parentshowhint:protected] => 1
[_font:protected] => Font Object
[_family:protected] => Verdana
[_size:protected] => 10px
[_color:protected] =>
[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => Button Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_islayer:protected] => 0
[_parentfont:protected] => 1
[_doparentreset:private] => 1
[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] => BTN_enviarJSClick
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseleave:protected] =>
[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseout:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
[_jsonpropertychange:protected] =>
[_jsonreadystatechange:protected] =>
[_jsonresize:protected] =>
[_jsonresizeend:protected] =>
[_jsonresizestart:protected] =>
[_jsonselectstart:protected] =>
[_style:protected] => btPadrao
[_adjusttolayout:protected] => 0
[_autosize:protected] => 0
[_divwrap:protected] => 1
[_attributes:protected] => Array
[_hidden:protected] => 0
[_layer:protected] => 0
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => BTN_enviar
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[LBL_Titulo] => Label Object
[_datasource:protected] =>
[_datafield:protected] =>
[_link:protected] =>
[_linktarget:protected] =>
[_wordwrap:protected] => 1
[_onclick:protected] =>
[_ondblclick:protected] =>
[_formatasdate:protected] =>
[_caption:protected] => Digite os dados para consulta
[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
[_controlstyle:protected] => Array
[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
[_left:protected] => 134
[_visible:protected] => 1
[_top:protected] => 104
[_width:protected] => 307
[_height:protected] => 21
[_color:protected] =>
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
[_designcolor:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => alNone
[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => LBL_Titulo
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[tm_login] =>
[MaskMemory1] => MaskMemory Object
[_maskItens:protected] => Array
[EDT_Usuario] => cnpj
[_maskHelper:protected] =>
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => MaskMemory1
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[RDG_cpfcnpj] => RadioGroup Object
[_onclick:protected] =>
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[0] => CPF
[1] => CNPJ
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] =>
[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_width:protected] => 108
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[_color:protected] =>
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[_hint:protected] =>
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[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
[_onaftershow:protected] =>
[_onshow:protected] =>
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_parentfont:protected] => 1
[_doparentreset:private] => 1
[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] => RDG_cpfcnpjJSClick
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
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[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
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[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => RDG_cpfcnpj
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_templatefilename:protected] => ../tpl/login/login.html
[_onbeforeshowheader:protected] =>
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[_onaftershowfooter:protected] =>
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[_jsonunload:protected] =>
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[_formencoding:protected] =>
[_jsonsubmit:protected] =>
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[_onbeforeajaxprocess:protected] =>
[_onafterajaxprocess:protected] =>
[hasframes] =>
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[_layout:protected] => Layout Object
[_control] => FRM_Login Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[0] => Edit Object
[_onclick:protected] =>
[_ondblclick:protected] =>
[_onsubmit:protected] =>
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[_datasource:protected] =>
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[_ispassword:protected] => 0
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[_control] => Edit Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] =>
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[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_height:protected] => 16
[_color:protected] =>
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[_enabled:protected] => 1
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[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
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[_onshow:protected] =>
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[_family:protected] => Verdana
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[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_control] => Edit Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_parentfont:protected] => 1
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[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
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[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => EDT_usuario
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[1] => Edit Object
[_onclick:protected] =>
[_ondblclick:protected] =>
[_onsubmit:protected] =>
[_jsonselect:protected] =>
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[_datasource:protected] =>
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[_ispassword:protected] => 0
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[_control] => Edit Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_height:protected] => 16
[_color:protected] =>
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[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
[_designcolor:protected] =>
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[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
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[_onshow:protected] =>
[_cursor:protected] =>
[_showhint:protected] => 0
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[_family:protected] => Verdana
[_size:protected] => 10px
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[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => Edit Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_parentfont:protected] => 1
[_doparentreset:private] => 1
[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] => EDT_processoJSFocus
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
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[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_layout:protected] => Layout Object
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[_usepixeltrans:protected] => 1
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] => Enviar
[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_width:protected] => 75
[_height:protected] => 25
[_color:protected] =>
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
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[_align:protected] => alNone
[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
[_onaftershow:protected] =>
[_onshow:protected] =>
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[_family:protected] => Verdana
[_size:protected] => 10px
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[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => Button Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_parentfont:protected] => 1
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[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] => BTN_enviarJSClick
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
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[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
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[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
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[_jsonresizeend:protected] =>
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[_hidden:protected] => 0
[_layer:protected] => 0
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[3] => Label Object
[_datasource:protected] =>
[_datafield:protected] =>
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[_linktarget:protected] =>
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[_ondblclick:protected] =>
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[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_height:protected] => 21
[_color:protected] =>
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[_hint:protected] =>
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[_alignment:protected] => agNone
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[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => Label Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_islayer:protected] => 0
[_parentfont:protected] => 0
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[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseleave:protected] =>
[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseout:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
[_jsonpropertychange:protected] =>
[_jsonreadystatechange:protected] =>
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[_jsonresizestart:protected] =>
[_jsonselectstart:protected] =>
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[_autosize:protected] => 0
[_divwrap:protected] => 1
[_attributes:protected] => Array
[_hidden:protected] => 0
[_layer:protected] => 0
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => LBL_Titulo
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[4] => RadioGroup Object
[_onclick:protected] =>
[_onsubmit:protected] =>
[_datasource:protected] =>
[_datafield:protected] =>
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[_items:protected] => Array
[0] => CPF
[1] => CNPJ
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[_taborder:protected] => 0
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[_layout:protected] => Layout Object
[_control] => RadioGroup Object
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[_cols:protected] => 5
[_usepixeltrans:protected] => 1
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] =>
[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
[_controlstyle:protected] => Array
[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
[_left:protected] => 117
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[_top:protected] => 46
[_width:protected] => 108
[_height:protected] => 22
[_color:protected] =>
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
[_designcolor:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => alNone
[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
[_onaftershow:protected] =>
[_onshow:protected] =>
[_cursor:protected] =>
[_showhint:protected] => 0
[_parentshowhint:protected] => 1
[_font:protected] => Font Object
[_family:protected] => Verdana
[_size:protected] => 10px
[_color:protected] =>
[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => RadioGroup Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_parentfont:protected] => 1
[_doparentreset:private] => 1
[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
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[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[input] =>
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[_style:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonblur:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
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[items] => Array
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[disable] =>
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[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_onclick:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_control] => Edit Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonblur:protected] =>
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[_jsonclick:protected] => BTN_enviarJSClick
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
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[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
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[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[3] => Label Object
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
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[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[4] => MessageMemory Object
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => MessageMemory1
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[5] => MaskMemory Object
[_maskItens:protected] => Array
[EDT_Usuario] => cnpj
[_maskHelper:protected] =>
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => MaskMemory1
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[0] => CPF
[1] => CNPJ
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] =>
[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_height:protected] => 22
[_color:protected] =>
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[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
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[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
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[_onshow:protected] =>
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[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => RadioGroup Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_islayer:protected] => 0
[_parentfont:protected] => 1
[_doparentreset:private] => 1
[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] => RDG_cpfcnpjJSClick
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
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[_jsonmouseleave:protected] =>
[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
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[_hidden:protected] => 0
[_layer:protected] => 0
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => RDG_cpfcnpj
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[disable] =>
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[template_dir] =>
[compile_dir] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/login/../tmp
[config_dir] => configs
[plugins_dir] => Array
[0] => plugins
[debugging] =>
[error_reporting] =>
[debug_tpl] =>
[debugging_ctrl] => NONE
[compile_check] => 1
[force_compile] =>
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[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cache_modified_check] =>
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[secure_dir] => Array
[security_settings] => Array
[IF_FUNCS] => Array
[0] => array
[1] => list
[2] => isset
[3] => empty
[4] => count
[5] => sizeof
[6] => in_array
[7] => is_array
[8] => true
[9] => false
[10] => null
[0] => count
[trusted_dir] => Array
[left_delimiter] => {%
[right_delimiter] => %}
[request_vars_order] => EGPCS
[request_use_auto_globals] => 1
[compile_id] =>
[use_sub_dirs] =>
[default_modifiers] => Array
[default_resource_type] => file
[cache_handler_func] =>
[autoload_filters] => Array
[config_overwrite] => 1
[config_booleanize] => 1
[config_read_hidden] =>
[config_fix_newlines] => 1
[default_template_handler_func] =>
[compiler_file] => Smarty_Compiler.class.php
[compiler_class] => Smarty_Compiler
[config_class] => Config_File
[_tpl_vars] => Array
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /dividativa/login/untlogin.php
[HeaderCode] =>
[StartForm] =>
[EDT_usuario] =>
[EDT_processo] =>
[BTN_enviar] =>
[LBL_Titulo] =>
Digite os dados para consulta
[RDG_cpfcnpj] =>
[_smarty_vars] =>
[_sections] => Array
[_foreach] => Array
[_tag_stack] => Array
[_conf_obj] =>
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[0] => Array
[vars] => Array
[files] => Array
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[_cache_info] => Array
[template] => Array
[../tpl/login/login.html] => 1
[_file_perms] => 420
[_dir_perms] => 505
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[_plugins] => Array
[modifier] => Array
[function] => Array
[block] => Array
[compiler] => Array
[prefilter] => Array
[postfilter] => Array
[outputfilter] => Array
[resource] => Array
[insert] => Array
[_cache_serials] => Array
[_cache_include] =>
[_cache_including] =>
[_cache_include_info] =>
[_headercode] =>
[_startform] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] =>
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[input] =>
[_name] => FRM_Login
[lastresourceread] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/login/untlogin.php
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[0] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/login/untlogin.xml.php
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[] => SmartyTemplate Object
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[template_dir] =>
[compile_dir] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/login/../tmp
[config_dir] => configs
[plugins_dir] => Array
[0] => plugins
[debugging] =>
[error_reporting] =>
[debug_tpl] =>
[debugging_ctrl] => NONE
[compile_check] => 1
[force_compile] =>
[caching] => 1
[cache_dir] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/login/../tmp
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cache_modified_check] =>
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[security] =>
[secure_dir] => Array
[security_settings] => Array
[IF_FUNCS] => Array
[0] => array
[1] => list
[2] => isset
[3] => empty
[4] => count
[5] => sizeof
[6] => in_array
[7] => is_array
[8] => true
[9] => false
[10] => null
[0] => count
[trusted_dir] => Array
[left_delimiter] => {%
[right_delimiter] => %}
[request_vars_order] => EGPCS
[request_use_auto_globals] => 1
[compile_id] =>
[use_sub_dirs] =>
[default_modifiers] => Array
[default_resource_type] => file
[cache_handler_func] =>
[autoload_filters] => Array
[config_overwrite] => 1
[config_booleanize] => 1
[config_read_hidden] =>
[config_fix_newlines] => 1
[default_template_handler_func] =>
[compiler_file] => Smarty_Compiler.class.php
[compiler_class] => Smarty_Compiler
[config_class] => Config_File
[_tpl_vars] => Array
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /dividativa/login/untlogin.php
[HeaderCode] =>
[StartForm] =>
[EDT_usuario] =>
[EDT_processo] =>
[BTN_enviar] =>
[LBL_Titulo] =>
Digite os dados para consulta
[RDG_cpfcnpj] =>
[_smarty_vars] =>
[_sections] => Array
[_foreach] => Array
[_tag_stack] => Array
[_conf_obj] =>
[_config] => Array
[0] => Array
[vars] => Array
[files] => Array
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[_compile_id] =>
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[_smarty_debug_info] => Array
[_cache_info] => Array
[template] => Array
[../tpl/login/login.html] => 1
[_file_perms] => 420
[_dir_perms] => 505
[_reg_objects] => Array
[_plugins] => Array
[modifier] => Array
[function] => Array
[block] => Array
[compiler] => Array
[prefilter] => Array
[postfilter] => Array
[outputfilter] => Array
[resource] => Array
[insert] => Array
[_cache_serials] => Array
[_cache_include] =>
[_cache_including] =>
[_cache_include_info] =>
[_headercode] =>
[_startform] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] =>
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[EDT_usuario] => Edit Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
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[_variant:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_parentfont:protected] => 1
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[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
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[_jsonclick:protected] =>
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => EDT_usuario
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[EDT_processo] => Edit Object
[_onclick:protected] =>
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[_onsubmit:protected] =>
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[_datasource:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_family:protected] => Verdana
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[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_control] => Edit Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
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[_jsoncut:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
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[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] => EDT_processoJSFocus
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
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[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
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[_jsonresizeend:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => EDT_processo
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[BTN_enviar] => Button Object
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[_control] => Button Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_caption:protected] => Enviar
[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_height:protected] => 25
[_color:protected] =>
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[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
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[_family:protected] => Verdana
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[_color:protected] =>
[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_control] => Button Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] => BTN_enviarJSClick
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseleave:protected] =>
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[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
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[_jsonresizeend:protected] =>
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[_hidden:protected] => 0
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[LBL_Titulo] => Label Object
[_datasource:protected] =>
[_datafield:protected] =>
[_link:protected] =>
[_linktarget:protected] =>
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[_onclick:protected] =>
[_ondblclick:protected] =>
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[_parent:protected] => FRM_Login Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_height:protected] => 21
[_color:protected] =>
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
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[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
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[_onshow:protected] =>
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[_family:protected] => Arial
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[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => Label Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_islayer:protected] => 0
[_parentfont:protected] => 0
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[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseleave:protected] =>
[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseout:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
[_jsonpropertychange:protected] =>
[_jsonreadystatechange:protected] =>
[_jsonresize:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => LBL_Titulo
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[MessageMemory1] => MessageMemory Object
[_largura:protected] => 950px
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => MessageMemory1
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[MaskMemory1] => MaskMemory Object
[_maskItens:protected] => Array
[EDT_Usuario] => cnpj
[_maskHelper:protected] =>
[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => MaskMemory1
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[RDG_cpfcnpj] => RadioGroup Object
[_onclick:protected] =>
[_onsubmit:protected] =>
[_datasource:protected] =>
[_datafield:protected] =>
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[_items:protected] => Array
[0] => CPF
[1] => CNPJ
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[_control] => RadioGroup Object
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[_usepixeltrans:protected] => 1
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[_popupmenu:protected] =>
[_controlstyle:protected] => Array
[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_top:protected] => 46
[_width:protected] => 108
[_height:protected] => 22
[_color:protected] =>
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
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[_align:protected] => alNone
[_alignment:protected] => agNone
[_onbeforeshow:protected] =>
[_onaftershow:protected] =>
[_onshow:protected] =>
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[_showhint:protected] => 0
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[_family:protected] => Verdana
[_size:protected] => 10px
[_color:protected] =>
[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => RadioGroup Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_islayer:protected] => 0
[_parentfont:protected] => 1
[_doparentreset:private] => 1
[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] => RDG_cpfcnpjJSClick
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
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[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseout:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
[_jsonpropertychange:protected] =>
[_jsonreadystatechange:protected] =>
[_jsonresize:protected] =>
[_jsonresizeend:protected] =>
[_jsonresizestart:protected] =>
[_jsonselectstart:protected] =>
[_style:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_tag] => 0
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[disable] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[LBL_breadcrumb] => Label Object
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[_style:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
[BTN_sair] => Button Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
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[_variant:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
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[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
[LBL_usuario] => Label Object
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[JQ] => JQuery Object
[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[tm_entidade] => tm_entidade Object
[HDF_CodMunicipio] => HiddenField Object
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[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
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[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[hasframes] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[0] => Button Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
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[_jsondrag:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
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[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
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[_variant:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
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[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[disable] =>
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[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
[input] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[disable] =>
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[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
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[_style:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[_style:protected] =>
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[_variant:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[template_dir] =>
[compile_dir] => /tmp
[config_dir] => configs
[plugins_dir] => Array
[0] => plugins
[debugging] =>
[error_reporting] =>
[debug_tpl] =>
[debugging_ctrl] => NONE
[compile_check] => 1
[force_compile] =>
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[cache_dir] => /tmp
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cache_modified_check] =>
[php_handling] => 0
[security] =>
[secure_dir] => Array
[security_settings] => Array
[IF_FUNCS] => Array
[0] => array
[1] => list
[2] => isset
[3] => empty
[4] => count
[5] => sizeof
[6] => in_array
[7] => is_array
[8] => true
[9] => false
[10] => null
[0] => count
[trusted_dir] => Array
[left_delimiter] => {%
[right_delimiter] => %}
[request_vars_order] => EGPCS
[request_use_auto_globals] => 1
[compile_id] =>
[use_sub_dirs] =>
[default_modifiers] => Array
[default_resource_type] => file
[cache_handler_func] =>
[autoload_filters] => Array
[config_overwrite] => 1
[config_booleanize] => 1
[config_read_hidden] =>
[config_fix_newlines] => 1
[default_template_handler_func] =>
[compiler_file] => Smarty_Compiler.class.php
[compiler_class] => Smarty_Compiler
[config_class] => Config_File
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[SCRIPT_NAME] => /dividativa/login/untlogin.php
[_smarty_vars] =>
[_sections] => Array
[_foreach] => Array
[_tag_stack] => Array
[_conf_obj] =>
[_config] => Array
[0] => Array
[vars] => Array
[files] => Array
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[modifier] => Array
[function] => Array
[block] => Array
[compiler] => Array
[prefilter] => Array
[postfilter] => Array
[outputfilter] => Array
[resource] => Array
[insert] => Array
[_cache_serials] => Array
[_cache_include] =>
[_cache_including] =>
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[_startform] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] =>
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[input] =>
[_name] => FRM_cabecalho
[lastresourceread] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/cabecalho.php
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[0] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/cabecalho.xml.php
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[] => SmartyTemplate Object
[_smarty] => Smarty Object
[template_dir] =>
[compile_dir] => /tmp
[config_dir] => configs
[plugins_dir] => Array
[0] => plugins
[debugging] =>
[error_reporting] =>
[debug_tpl] =>
[debugging_ctrl] => NONE
[compile_check] => 1
[force_compile] =>
[caching] => 0
[cache_dir] => /tmp
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cache_modified_check] =>
[php_handling] => 0
[security] =>
[secure_dir] => Array
[security_settings] => Array
[IF_FUNCS] => Array
[0] => array
[1] => list
[2] => isset
[3] => empty
[4] => count
[5] => sizeof
[6] => in_array
[7] => is_array
[8] => true
[9] => false
[10] => null
[0] => count
[trusted_dir] => Array
[left_delimiter] => {%
[right_delimiter] => %}
[request_vars_order] => EGPCS
[request_use_auto_globals] => 1
[compile_id] =>
[use_sub_dirs] =>
[default_modifiers] => Array
[default_resource_type] => file
[cache_handler_func] =>
[autoload_filters] => Array
[config_overwrite] => 1
[config_booleanize] => 1
[config_read_hidden] =>
[config_fix_newlines] => 1
[default_template_handler_func] =>
[compiler_file] => Smarty_Compiler.class.php
[compiler_class] => Smarty_Compiler
[config_class] => Config_File
[_tpl_vars] => Array
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /dividativa/login/untlogin.php
[_smarty_vars] =>
[_sections] => Array
[_foreach] => Array
[_tag_stack] => Array
[_conf_obj] =>
[_config] => Array
[0] => Array
[vars] => Array
[files] => Array
[_smarty_md5] => f8d698aea36fcbead2b9d5359ffca76f
[_version] => 2.6.19
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[_compile_id] =>
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[_smarty_debug_info] => Array
[_cache_info] => Array
[_file_perms] => 420
[_dir_perms] => 505
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[modifier] => Array
[function] => Array
[block] => Array
[compiler] => Array
[prefilter] => Array
[postfilter] => Array
[outputfilter] => Array
[resource] => Array
[insert] => Array
[_cache_serials] => Array
[_cache_include] =>
[_cache_including] =>
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[_startform] =>
[_endform] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] =>
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[BTN_sair] => Button Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[_parent:protected] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
[_left:protected] => 804
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[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
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[_variant:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
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[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
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[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
[LBL_usuario] => Label Object
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
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[_variant:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[LBL_breadcrumb] => Label Object
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
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[_variant:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[HDF_CodMunicipio] => HiddenField Object
[_onsubmit:protected] =>
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_control] => HiddenField Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => HDF_CodMunicipio
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[JQ] => JQuery Object
[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => JQ
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[input] =>
[_name] => vclapp
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[LBL_breadcrumb] => Label Object
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[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_color:protected] => #F2F2F2
[_parentcolor:protected] => 1
[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
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[_alignment:protected] => agNone
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[_onshow:protected] =>
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[_family:protected] => Verdana
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[_weight:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
[_control] => Label Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_parentfont:protected] => 1
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[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => LBL_breadcrumb
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[BTN_sair] => Button Object
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[_control] => Button Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[_parent:protected] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_height:protected] => 22
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[_enabled:protected] => 1
[_hint:protected] =>
[_designcolor:protected] =>
[_align:protected] => alNone
[_alignment:protected] => agNone
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[_onaftershow:protected] =>
[_onshow:protected] =>
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[_showhint:protected] => 0
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[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
[_lineheight:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_islayer:protected] => 0
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[_doparentreset:private] => 1
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[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] => BTN_sairJSClick
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
[_jsoncontrolselect:protected] =>
[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
[_jsonkeypress:protected] =>
[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
[_jsonlosecapture:protected] =>
[_jsonmousedown:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseup:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseenter:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseleave:protected] =>
[_jsonmousemove:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseout:protected] =>
[_jsonmouseover:protected] =>
[_jsonpaste:protected] =>
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[_layer:protected] => 0
[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => BTN_sair
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
[_controlstate] => 0
[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[LBL_usuario] => Label Object
[_datasource:protected] =>
[_datafield:protected] =>
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[_ondblclick:protected] =>
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[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[disable] =>
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[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
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[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
[JQ] => JQuery Object
[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
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[lastresourceread] =>
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[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[HDF_CodMunicipio] => HiddenField Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
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[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[hasframes] =>
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[disable] =>
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[items] => Array
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[disable] =>
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[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
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[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
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[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
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[disable] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
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[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
[input] =>
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[_case:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
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[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
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[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
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[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
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[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonblur:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
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[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
[_jsondragstart:protected] =>
[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_control] => HiddenField Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsondrop:protected] =>
[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] => HDF_CodMunicipio
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[4] => JQuery Object
[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[5] => SmartyTemplate Object
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[template_dir] =>
[compile_dir] => /tmp
[config_dir] => configs
[plugins_dir] => Array
[0] => plugins
[debugging] =>
[error_reporting] =>
[debug_tpl] =>
[debugging_ctrl] => NONE
[compile_check] => 1
[force_compile] =>
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[cache_dir] => /tmp
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cache_modified_check] =>
[php_handling] => 0
[security] =>
[secure_dir] => Array
[security_settings] => Array
[IF_FUNCS] => Array
[0] => array
[1] => list
[2] => isset
[3] => empty
[4] => count
[5] => sizeof
[6] => in_array
[7] => is_array
[8] => true
[9] => false
[10] => null
[0] => count
[trusted_dir] => Array
[left_delimiter] => {%
[right_delimiter] => %}
[request_vars_order] => EGPCS
[request_use_auto_globals] => 1
[compile_id] =>
[use_sub_dirs] =>
[default_modifiers] => Array
[default_resource_type] => file
[cache_handler_func] =>
[autoload_filters] => Array
[config_overwrite] => 1
[config_booleanize] => 1
[config_read_hidden] =>
[config_fix_newlines] => 1
[default_template_handler_func] =>
[compiler_file] => Smarty_Compiler.class.php
[compiler_class] => Smarty_Compiler
[config_class] => Config_File
[_tpl_vars] => Array
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /dividativa/login/untlogin.php
[_smarty_vars] =>
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[_foreach] => Array
[_tag_stack] => Array
[_conf_obj] =>
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[0] => Array
[vars] => Array
[files] => Array
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[modifier] => Array
[function] => Array
[block] => Array
[compiler] => Array
[prefilter] => Array
[postfilter] => Array
[outputfilter] => Array
[resource] => Array
[insert] => Array
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[_cache_include] =>
[_cache_including] =>
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[_startform] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] =>
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[input] =>
[_name] => FRM_cabecalho
[lastresourceread] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/cabecalho.php
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[0] => /opt/lampp/htdocs/sistemaweb81/dividativa/cabecalho.xml.php
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[] => SmartyTemplate Object
[_smarty] => Smarty Object
[template_dir] =>
[compile_dir] => /tmp
[config_dir] => configs
[plugins_dir] => Array
[0] => plugins
[debugging] =>
[error_reporting] =>
[debug_tpl] =>
[debugging_ctrl] => NONE
[compile_check] => 1
[force_compile] =>
[caching] => 0
[cache_dir] => /tmp
[cache_lifetime] => 3600
[cache_modified_check] =>
[php_handling] => 0
[security] =>
[secure_dir] => Array
[security_settings] => Array
[IF_FUNCS] => Array
[0] => array
[1] => list
[2] => isset
[3] => empty
[4] => count
[5] => sizeof
[6] => in_array
[7] => is_array
[8] => true
[9] => false
[10] => null
[0] => count
[trusted_dir] => Array
[left_delimiter] => {%
[right_delimiter] => %}
[request_vars_order] => EGPCS
[request_use_auto_globals] => 1
[compile_id] =>
[use_sub_dirs] =>
[default_modifiers] => Array
[default_resource_type] => file
[cache_handler_func] =>
[autoload_filters] => Array
[config_overwrite] => 1
[config_booleanize] => 1
[config_read_hidden] =>
[config_fix_newlines] => 1
[default_template_handler_func] =>
[compiler_file] => Smarty_Compiler.class.php
[compiler_class] => Smarty_Compiler
[config_class] => Config_File
[_tpl_vars] => Array
[SCRIPT_NAME] => /dividativa/login/untlogin.php
[_smarty_vars] =>
[_sections] => Array
[_foreach] => Array
[_tag_stack] => Array
[_conf_obj] =>
[_config] => Array
[0] => Array
[vars] => Array
[files] => Array
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[modifier] => Array
[function] => Array
[block] => Array
[compiler] => Array
[prefilter] => Array
[postfilter] => Array
[outputfilter] => Array
[resource] => Array
[insert] => Array
[_cache_serials] => Array
[_cache_include] =>
[_cache_including] =>
[_headercode] =>
[_startform] =>
[_endform] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
[_name] =>
[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[BTN_sair] => Button Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[_parent:protected] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_showhint:protected] => 0
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_control] => Button Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforeeditfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] => BTN_sairJSClick
[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
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[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsondrop:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[LBL_usuario] => Label Object
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_align:protected] => taNone
[_style:protected] =>
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[_variant:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[disable] =>
[HDF_CodMunicipio] => HiddenField Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[JQ] => JQuery Object
[owner] => FRM_cabecalho Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_childnames] => Array
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[_tag] => 0
[_namepath:protected] =>
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[tmdmissqn] => tmdmissqn Object
[FRM_Login] => FRM_Login Object
[EDT_usuario] => Edit Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[_popupmenu:protected] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
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[_variant:protected] =>
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[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonblur:protected] =>
[_jsonchange:protected] =>
[_jsonclick:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
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[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
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[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[_tag] => 0
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[EDT_processo] => Edit Object
[_onclick:protected] =>
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[_onsubmit:protected] =>
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[_datasource:protected] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_color:protected] =>
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_control] => Edit Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonactivate:protected] =>
[_jsondeactivate:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecopy:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforecut:protected] =>
[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsonbeforepaste:protected] =>
[_jsonblur:protected] =>
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[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[MessageMemory1] => MessageMemory Object
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[lastresourceread] =>
[reallastresourceread] => Array
[alreadycreated] =>
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[BTN_enviar] => Button Object
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[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
[controls] => Collection Object
[items] => Array
[input] =>
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[csRenderOwner] => 1
[csRenderAlso] => StyleSheet
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[_style:protected] =>
[_case:protected] =>
[_variant:protected] =>
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[_control] => Button Object
[_updatecounter:private] => 0
[input] => Input Object
[disable] =>
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[_jsonbeforedeactivate:protected] =>
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[_jsoncontextmenu:protected] =>
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[_jsoncopy:protected] =>
[_jsoncut:protected] =>
[_jsondblclick:protected] =>
[_jsondrag:protected] =>
[_jsondragenter:protected] =>
[_jsondragleave:protected] =>
[_jsondragover:protected] =>
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[_jsonfilterchange:protected] =>
[_jsonfocus:protected] =>
[_jsonhelp:protected] =>
[_jsonkeydown:protected] =>
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[_jsonkeyup:protected] =>
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[owner] => FRM_Login Object
[components] => Collection Object
[items] => Array